Lost Ice Cream, emerged as a whimsical yet thought-provoking happening during my tenure in the Fine Art Extension Degree in 2020. This project commenced with a mischievously 'borrowed' tub of ice cream from my accommodation, serving as the starting point for an ironic and playful public engagement.
Embracing a sense of humour and absurdity, I ironically 'escalated' the issue to the outside world, by spreading copies of 'LOST ICE CREAM, SUBSTANTIAL REWARD' flyers containing my phone number and email around New Cross. As if I am a new game character spawn in London giving out weird side quests, I set myself up on a journey of unknown encounters in a new city.
Over the course of two weeks, I received harassments via phone calls and texts, also received heartwarming or funny responses. This piece has become an unexpected way of me navigating the community in SE London. A particularly memorable moment was the collaboration with a kind-hearted lady who runs a food bank. She placed her "FREE HOT FOODS" poster adjacent to mine, creating a striking and humorous juxtaposition, creating a funny contrast, and invited me to her food bank.
All these encounters, capturing the essence of community spirit and human interaction, were documented. I transformed this collection of experiences into a mini pseudo documentary, now available on YouTube. This project transcended its initial playful premise, evolving into a profound exploration of community dynamics and personal navigation within a new city. The piece is a celebration of the unexpected, a testament to the power of play, and a narrative of my unique way of understanding and integrating into the community in SE London. All the encounters are documented and I made it into a documentary available on Youtube.